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Lucanian side



Inhabitants: 1.468
Altitude: 916 m above s.l.

It’s not clear whether the village was built as a lookout post against Saracens or it was built by them. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 1044. When Normans abandoned it, it became a fief of the Mango family first, then the Carafa. Particularly interesting from a historical and artistic perspective are S. Rocco’s Church and the Convent of the Capuchins. The latter one was built in 1596, the hospices of Latronico and S.Chirico Raparo depended on it. The Church of S. Spirito, which was built in the 16th century, is also particularly interesting. If you wish to fully enjoy the peculiar connection between nature and traditions, don’t miss 'Ndenna Festival, Mountain Festival, and the Festival of the Two Parks.




Castronuovo Sant'Andrea

Inhabitants: 1105
Altitude: 650 above s.l.

The first part of the name suggests it used to be a military post. The village, in which S. Andrea Avellino was born, was in fact founded around a stronghold built as defense against barbarians. When Greek monks arrived, the place also gained religious harmony. The most important religious building is the Mother Church (18th century). The chapels of S. Maria delle Grazie, S. Andrea and S. Maria La Stella are also worth visiting. And don’t miss the Fosso dello Strittolo (stalactites cave), the many woods and springs, not to mention the religious festivals and Carnival, during which it’s usually made the musical instrument called "cupi-cupi".




Inhabitants: 700
Altitude: 548 m s.l.m.

The remnants of the acropolis on Mount Castello testify that the village was already there in the 4th century a.C. Overall, Cersosimo looks medieval. The remnants of the ancient city walls and the Church of St. Mary of Constantinople are useful to know about the burg’s history. Evocative palaces with beautiful sculpted portals offer an enchanting sight. Nearby Cersosimo there’s one of the few beech-woods of Lucania, which is particularly important from a floral perspective, because it is home for superb specimens of Neapolitan maple and alder. The Monaca spring is also important, because it offers healthy sulfurous water.




Inhabitants: 641
Altitude: 745 above s.l.

The village was founded by people from Teana who wanted to escape the abuse of the Marquis Missanello. It’s named Anna Maria Fardella, Count Sanseverino’s wife, who offered them his protection. Not to be missed are St. Anthony’s Church, St. Vito’s Chapel, St. Onofrio’s Chapel, and the Chapel of Assumption in Palazzo De Salvo. Other honorable mentions go to non-religious buildings, such as Palazzo De Salvo, Cirone, De Donato, Le Logge. Particularly interesting are the mill and olive oil stone mill in Pietrangelo, and the ones in Fosso Cannalia. Beautiful woods and springs, pyramids of clay and sand in the river Sinni add further charm to Fardella.




Francavilla in Sinni

Inhabitants: 4.249
Altitude: 421 m s.l.m.

Built between the 14th and the 15th century, today the town offers numerous places of historical and naturalistic interest: Sanctuary of the Madonna di Pompei, Church of SS. Felice and Policarpo, St. Anthony’s Chapel, St. Joseph’s Chapel, Chapel of the Assumption.Villa Viceconte (19th century) and the Certosa di S. Nicola (1395) also deserve a honorable mention. Enchanting are Bosco Rubbio natural reserve and Caramola and Avena woods, as well as all the crystal clear lakes (Viceconte, del Pesce, d'Erba) and the panoramic views (Palladoro, Monte Catarozzolo, Timpa Altosana).





Inhabitants: 421
Altitude: 630 m above s.l.

The origins are uncertain: perhaps it has to do with the Basilian monks (9th-10th century) that, it seems, promoted the rural development of the town. From 15th to 18th century this small town was a fief of the Sanseverino family, only to be then given to the Donnaperna family. In 1875 a landslide destroyed part of the village and of the Mother Church, where interesting paintings that date back to 17th and 18th centuries are still preserved. S. Gaetano’s Chapel (18th century) is also worth visiting. S. Gaetano is the town’s patron. Other places that deserve a honorable mention are Palazzo Mazzilli and Palazzo Martinese-Mazzilli-Salerno. The surroundings offer a breathtaking panorama, accompanied by the sulfurous water spring in the Vallina district.




Castelluccio Inferiore

Inhabitants: 2.152
Altitude: 495 m above s.l.

It was founded in Middle Age, and it originally made one single feud together with Castelluccio Inferiore. The two were split once and for all in 1813. Interesting from an archaeological perspective are Petruzzolo and Foresta. The 17th century Mother Church of S. Margherita is splendid, but throughout the town and its surroundings there are many other evocative religious buildings. A honorable mention goes to historic buildings such as Pizzo and La Grotta. There are many religious festivals that liven up the community, such as the one of the Madonna del Soccorso, on Mount Zaccana, where one can taste fresh pasta, sweets, cold meats and roasted chestnuts




Castelluccio Superiore

Inhabitants: 847
Altitude: 680  m above s.l.

It was founded in Middle Age, and it originally made one single feud together with Castelluccio Inferiore. The two were split once and for all in 1813. Interesting from an archaeological perspective are Petruzzolo and Foresta. The 17th century Mother Church of S. Margherita is splendid, but throughout the town and its surroundings there are many other evocative religious buildings. A honorable mention goes to historic buildings such as Pizzo and La Grotta. There are many religious festivals that liven up the community, such as the one of the Madonna del Soccorso, on Mount Zaccana, where one can taste fresh pasta, sweets, cold meats and roasted chestnuts





Inhabitants: 702
Altitude: 690 m above s.l.

The history of Carbone is closely connected to the Basilian monks who boosted economy around here. Carbone has been, for a long time, the center of religious life in the area due to its monastery, which was attacked by bandits in the 19th century it, and then destroyed by Murat’s troops. The ruins can still be seen in Valle Cancello. Interesting sites to visit are also: the Church of S. Maria degli Angeli, the Chiesa Francescana al Convento,S. Luca Abate’s Church, St. Anne’s Chapel, Castelli and Fraticelli’s private chapels, plus historical buildings, the splendid Bosco di Vaccarizzo and the Calanca, Tuvolo and Fosso fountains.





Inhabitants: 1.991
Altitude: 794 m above s.l.

The origins are Norman, the town was a fief of Roberto il Guiscardo, and for centuries the county has been an important political-administrative center. However, in the 17th century pest decimated the population. Interesting sites to visit are: the remnants of Convento del Ventrile, Collegiata Insigne Church, St. John’s Church, S. Andrea Avellino’s Chapel, the remnants of the medieval walls and the feudal castle, ruins of the Cistercian Abbey of S. Maria del Sagittario,  palaces (Di Giura, Dolcetti, Donadio, Lauria), Villa and Park Torre Albineta, Bosco Magnano, Sorgenti Tuvolo and the water cave.





Inhabitants: 1.450
Altitude: 530 m above s.l.

Episcopia was originally a Norman, Swabian and Angevin feud, then is passed on to the Sanseverino family first, Vencislao later. In the 16th century it turned from earldom to marquisate; in the 19th century the fief was, however, dismembered, and sold to landowners. It still brims with one of the most beautiful architectural, religious, civil and rural heritages of the country. Interesting to visit are: Convent and Church of S. Antonio, Sanctuary of S. Maria del Piano, Mother Church of S. Nicola, Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, S. Rocco’s Church, feudal Castle, palaces. Splendid natural spots: Piana di S. Maria, woodland in the Cornale district, Miretta’s springs, Tarantola and Serrituro.





Inhabitants: 4.773
Altitude: 888 m above s.l.

Its origins are uncertain, what we know is that it was a fief of the Sanseverino family, then it passed on to the Corcione family, and to Jesuits. In the end it became property of the State. The citizens have been devoted to S. Giles from the 18th century, which is something that emerges clearly from local art, history and customs. Some of the places that are worth visiting are: San Cataldo’s Chapel (13th century), Church of S. Maria delle Grazie, S. Giles Church and S. Nicholas Church; Palazzo Arcieri and Palazzo Gioia. When it comes to nature, enchanting are the mineral water springs in La Calda, and the gigantic fish fossil in Solarino di Iannazzo, which dates back to 30 million years ago.





Inhabitants: 13.121
Altitude: 450 m above s.l.

It was founded in 400 a. C., and it was conquered by Lombards first, Saracens later. It was Emperor Michael who freed it from the latter. It was William the Norman to call the place Lauria. There are many historical sites as well as natural spots not to miss here, such as: Sanctuary of the Madonna dell'Armo, S. Nicola di Bari’s Church, with the remains of Blessed D. Lentini, St. James’ Church, St. Anthony’s Monastery of the Capuchin Friars, Church of the Annunciation and Palazzo Viceconti. Do not miss the remnants of the medieval castle that belonged to the Ruggiero family, Mount Alps, the mineral springs La Calda, and the cerreta Malboschetto.





Inhabitants: 941
Altitude: 676 m above s.l.

Originally called Noia, Noepoli has been inhabited since the Iron Age. It was Roberto il Normanno’s fief first, then it passed on to the Sanseverinos, and the Pignatellis.Interesting sites to visit are: the Parish Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Chapel of Our Lady of Constantinople and the one of Our Lady of the Rosary, the Palazzo degli Archivi, owned by Noia’s ex landlord, Casa Canonica, which brims with ancient paintings and statues, the remnants of the feudal castle, the fortifications, and the monastery of S. Maria della Saectara. Evocative is the celebration of Our Lady of Constantinople, with the blessing of the "gregne" (trunks covered in spikes).




Inhabitants: 3.953
Altitude: 620 m above s.l.

Fief of the powerful Sanseverino family, it probably takes its name from the circular shape of the ancient inhabited area. Garibaldi stayed here in 1860. Rotonda is full of historical memories and landscapes: the Sanctuary of S. Maria della Consolazione, the Mother Church, the Church of the SS. Rosario, St. Anthony’s Church, S. Carlo Borromeo’s Church. There are also numerous mansions and chapels. Interesting is the water mill in Sircoli, the ruins of a furnace and of an ancient spinning mill. Nature also offers Grotta dell’Eremita, Grotta della Voragine, and the splendid scenery of Mount Pollino.




San Costantino Albenese

Inhabitants: 758
Altitude: 650 m above s.l.

This is one of the towns that still live the arbëreshë culture; it was perhaps founded by Koronai refugees from Greece. At the center there is one of the linguistic islands Albanian-speaking of the Park. If you visit, you won’t want to miss SS. Constantine and Helena’s Church, the Church of the Madonna della Stella, the Church of the Madonna delle Grazie and the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Conserva. The village is surrounded by beautiful forests (Farneta, Lanzatico and Sicileo) and springs (Covella, Acquafredda, Fontana del Duca). Typical is the celebration of the Madonna della Stella in May, with the lighting of the "nusazit" (costumed puppets).



San Giorgio Lucano

Inhabitants: 1.577
Altitude: 416 m above s.l.

Officially, the town was built in the 17th century, when the Albanians in Corone, who had settled here as sheep farmers, were expelled. Amongst the many interesting sites to visit in San Giorgio Lucano, there’s the Sanctuary of the Madonna del Pantano, the Parish Church, the Chapel of the Madonna delle Grazie, and historic buildings such as Zito, La Canna, Torchitti. A honorable mention goes to Molino di Sole with its furnace, and the ancient Galanga and Falcuneta furnaces. The flora counts Codicino forest, Timpa and Timpone panoramic views, Sarmento river and Battispina spring.

Photo: e


San Paolo Albanese

Inhabitants: 280
Altitude: 843 m above s.l.

The town, which was probably founded by the Albanian refugees that had been expelled by Prince Pignatelli, offers numerous interesting places to visit: the Mother Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, St. Rocco and St. Francis’ chapels, Palazzo Smilari and Palazzo Blumetti, the ancient mills (Blumetti and Affuso) and the furnace in Giansilvio. Amongst the arbëreshë origins that are still alive in the area, there are: the techniques used to work brooms, wedding ceremonies  with songs, clothing, dances, and the traditional breaking of the glass at the end.




San Severino Lucano

Inhabitants: 1.628
Altitude: 887 m above s.l.

This picturesque village was built by the end of the 15th century, and it’s named after the powerful Lucan family, which, as we’ve seen, owned numerous fiefs in Basilicata. Here the Cistercians monks promoted a great rural development. Captain Gennaro Iannarelli ordered a ruthless repression when bandits rose up. The major places of worship in San Severino Lucano are the Sanctuary of the Madonna di Pollino and S. Maria degli Angeli’s Church. The ancient mills (Calabrese, Ammirati, Fasanella), the natural beauties of Bosco Magnano, Monte Pollino, and the Gole del Frido are also interesting to visit.




Inhabitants: 7.084
Altitude: 651 m above s.l.

Built in the Norman age, the town preserves many buildings of great historical and architectural interest, such as the St. Francis’ Church (1270), with the prestigious polyptych by Simone da Firenze, the Capuchin Church, the town hall, Torre Capalbo and the ancient palaces (Barletta, Marcone, Donnaperna, Fortunato). Among the natural spots to admire there are: Lake Monte Cotugno, which is an artificial basin that makes it possible for Senise to have a diverse flora and fauna. A honorable mention goes to the culinary excellences, such as Senise’s delicious sweet pepper, which is celebrated in August with a large festival.

Osservatorio avifaunistico




Inhabitants: 674
Altitude: 806 m above s.l.

Its origins are unknown. Some even say it was where the Pythagorean School was hosted in summer. What is known for sure is that Lombards have been here, and that Basilian monks built two monasteries. Teana was one of the fiefs of the Sanseverino family, then it passed on to the Missanellos, and the Donnapernas. In the 19th century, the Pious Institute of Loans and Savings for Workers and Farmers, and "La Sentinella" working company were founded to promote agriculture. Interesting to visit are: Church of the Madonna del Carmine, S. Cristofaro’s Chapel, the ruins of the Lombard fortress, Palazzo Lecce, Serra and Moreto woods. Carnival in Teana is also quite evocative.

Photo: e


Terranova di Pollino

Inhabitants: 1.291
Altitude: 926 m above s.l.

Apparently, it dates back to the 16th century. The religious buildings that are worth a visit are: the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Pietà, S. Francesco da Paola’s Church, S. Maria delle Grazie’s Chapel, St. Anthony’s Chapel, S. Rocco’s Chapel. A honorable mention goes to the ancient Palazzo Rusciani, and the ruins of the water mills. The dreamy landscapes here are to die for: Mount Pollino, Timpa Falconara, Grotta dei Briganti and Garavina Gorges. Events not to miss are the Carnival, the procession of the girdles for the Madonna della Pietà, and the craftsmanship of ancient musical instruments such as the cupe-cupe.




Inhabitants: 1.618
Altitude: 250 m above s.l.

Originally named Fabalis, Valsinni was founded in the 11th century. It was a fief of the Sanseverino family, then passed on to the Vivacquas, and the Morras. The member of the Morra family that is most remembered is Isabella: a young poetess that was killed in 1576 by her brothers, due to her forbidden love with Diego Sandoval De Castro. Poor Isabella spent most of her life locked up in the castle, which is still in good shape, where she wrote her poems. Every year Valsinni remembers Isabella Morra by organizing a cycle of cultural events. A honorable mention goes to Palazzo Melidoro, the medieval Mother Church of medieval and the 17th century Church of the Annunciation.





Inhabitants: 3.610
Altitude: 549 m above s.l.

It is not certain whether it was inhabited in the Greek - Roman age, what is sure is that Byzantine monks evangelized the area. There are many religious buildings to visit in this picturesque village, such as: San Francesco di Paola’s Church, Santa Maria della Grotta’s Chapel, St. Catherin’s Chapel, Holy Trinity Chapel, with its Basilian dome, which is one of the most interesting architectural works of the town. Do not miss the Carnival, not to mention the extraordinary views that Piano Ruggio, a plain covered in pastures and excellent herbaceous plants offers.


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