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Inhabitants: 13.121
Altitude: 450 m above s.l.

It was founded in 400 a. C., and it was conquered by Lombards first, Saracens later. It was Emperor Michael who freed it from the latter. It was William the Norman to call the place Lauria. There are many historical sites as well as natural spots not to miss here, such as: Sanctuary of the Madonna dell'Armo, S. Nicola di Bari’s Church, with the remains of Blessed D. Lentini, St. James’ Church, St. Anthony’s Monastery of the Capuchin Friars, Church of the Annunciation and Palazzo Viceconti. Do not miss the remnants of the medieval castle that belonged to the Ruggiero family, Mount Alps, the mineral springs La Calda, and the cerreta Malboschetto.



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