Inhabitants: 641
Altitude: 745 above s.l.
The village was founded by people from Teana who wanted to escape the abuse of the Marquis Missanello. It’s named Anna Maria Fardella, Count Sanseverino’s wife, who offered them his protection. Not to be missed are St. Anthony’s Church, St. Vito’s Chapel, St. Onofrio’s Chapel, and the Chapel of Assumption in Palazzo De Salvo. Other honorable mentions go to non-religious buildings, such as Palazzo De Salvo, Cirone, De Donato, Le Logge. Particularly interesting are the mill and olive oil stone mill in Pietrangelo, and the ones in Fosso Cannalia. Beautiful woods and springs, pyramids of clay and sand in the river Sinni add further charm to Fardella.
Info: www.comune.fardella.pz.it
Photo: www.aptbasilicata.it