Phase 1
Starting in 2008, through an initial memorandum of understanding between the Pollino National Park and the ALSIA in Rotonda, on the Lucanian side of the Park, an initial phase of cataloguing and mapping ancient varieties of annual and polyannual plants took place, which ended with the publication of two ALSIA notebooks:
- The notebook No. 10/2010 'The Ancient Fruit Trees of the Pollino' - 41 different species of fruit woody plants and 519 biotypes were mapped in 119 sampling sites (All. 1)
- Notebook No. 11/2012 "The Ancient Horticultural and Cereal Varieties of Pollino" - 54 herbaceous species and 137 traditional varieties mapped.
Phase 2
Conservation actions through:
Creation of specific "Conservation Sites":
- Botanical Garden
- ALSIA catalogue fields
- Private sites (40)
- Sites in semi-natural environments (10)
- Specific sites: Misule di Castelluccio Superiore (private and communal)
In addition to the sites implemented through the collaboration agreements, 13 conservation sites were implemented as part of a project financed with PSR Basilicata 2007-2013 Measure 214 - Action 5 funds (All. 2 - Summary of project results by Prof. G. Figliuolo)
Seed collection: in November 2016 the "Seed Bank - Franco Sassone" (All. 3) was inaugurated as a place of conservation (ex situ) and multiplication of genetic material of regional interest of:
- native, cultivated or spontaneous varieties related to cultivated species
- non-autochthonous varieties provided they were introduced into the regional territory at least 50 years ago and integrated into the local agro-ecosystem, with specific characteristics such as to be of interest for their protection
- non-native varieties developed to reconstitute the genetic diversity of local varieties that have almost completely disappeared;
- varieties no longer grown in the region, but conserved at botanical gardens, institutes, other germplasm banks, universities in other regions for which there is an interest in promoting their reintroduction.
Phase 3
- bioagronomic (on 4 aubergine, 7 potato and 27 tomato ecotypes);
- genetics on: Melanzana Rossa di Rotonda DOP (2014); Fagioli Bianchi di Rotonda DOP (2014); Patata Marca di San Severino Lucano (2014); Patata Casale di San Severino lucano (2014); Patata Rossa di Terranova del Pollino (2014); Grano Carosella, Cece, Fagiolo (2015).
- Characterisation activities are however constantly in progress in order to apply them to the entire genetic heritage conserved on the Pollino.
Phase 4
Registration of the genetic resources in the regional register, in accordance with the provisions of Regional Law No. 26 of 2008.
Phase 5
Establishment of the First Food Community (All. 4 and All. 5). Following the provisions of art. 13 of Law no. 194/2015, the first food community was set up in the Pollino and Lagonegrese area, made up of various figures representing the territory (custodian farmers, public bodies, producer associations, farms, tour operators, schools, Park guides, etc.) with the main aim of launching an incisive action to enhance the genetic heritage present in the area.
Phase 6
First action to enhance the Food Community, through the constitution of the 'Pollino Agricultural and Food Biodiversity Itineraries' (All. 6). Through the training of official Park guides and tour operators, the printing of informative leaflets and the installation of special signs at the main access points to the Park, the proposed itineraries are, as of this year (2018), accessible to tourists visiting the Pollino. On the official website of the ALSIA it is possible to consult, divided into sections, the contents of the itineraries' leaflet.
Phase 7
Memorandum of understanding between PARCO NAZIONALE DEL POLLINO - ALSIA - ARSAC.
With the aim of continuing the activities for the conservation and enhancement of agricultural biodiversity also on the Calabrian side of the Park, on 19/12/2017 a memorandum of understanding was signed between the regional agencies for agriculture of Calabria and Basilicata. This protocol will be followed by individual collaboration agreements between them, to define, year by year, the activities to be carried out on the specific theme.
Phase 8
Publication of the ISPRA Notebook: Forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity of the Basilicata and Valle d'Aosta Regions. (All. 7). The publication was presented in Bologna on 22/05/2018 on the occasion of the official inauguration of the "Biodiversity Orchard" at Fico Eataly Word.
Phase 9
Collaboration Agreement Park - ALSIA.
Within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Authority and the two Regional Agencies, the first one-year collaboration agreement between the Park and ALSIA was signed on 29/12/2017. With the Lucanian Agency, conservation activities are well advanced, so it was deemed appropriate to concentrate efforts on activities to enhance the value of the agri-food production typical of the Lucanian side of the Park. In particular, actions to create added value for these products focus on regional PATs and the Park's Mark. The genetic characterisation of some pepper ecotypes is also planned.
Phase 10
Park - ARSAC Collaboration Agreement.
Again in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Authority and the two regional agencies, the first collaboration agreement between the Park and ARSAC was signed on 02/07/2018, expiring at the end of 2018. Since on the Calabrian side of the Park there is an urgent need to start characterisation and mapping work, it was decided to begin with a census of the holders of fruit, cereal, horticultural, zootechnical and microbial biodiversity in the area. For next year it is planned, once this first phase is completed, to begin early in the year through a new agreement to map and catalogue, following the criteria of the national guidelines, the varieties identified in the first phase of the census of holders.
Other activities for the promotion of Pollino agri-food products
In order to publicise the agri-food products of the Pollino National Park territory, with particular reference to traditional agri-food products (PAT), Community branded products (PDO, PGI, IGT and PGI) and slow food presidia, the Park has produced a map of the 'Itineraries between history and food and wine traditions' (All. 8 and All. 9). Through this map, the tourist has at his disposal a series of information on all the enogastronomic excellences of the Pollino and the traditions connected to them.
Rotonda 31/12/2018
The head of the "Agricultural Biodiversity and Wildlife Damage" Service of the Pollino National Park
Dr. Agr. Vincenzo Aversa