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The Pollino National Park is contributing to the realisation of the European H2020 project GenTree, hosting two experimental areas of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.).

The project, which was approved in 2015 and counts on a total funding of 8 million euro, will cover the period 2016-2020 involving numerous research institutions from all over Europe. The Italian partner is represented by the research group of Dr. Giovanni Giuseppe Vendramin, director of the Institute of Biosciences and BioResources (IBBR) of the National Research Council (CNR).

The purpose of the GenTree project is to provide the European forestry sector with better knowledge, methods and tools to optimise the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in the context of climate change, considering the continuous evolution of demands for forest products and services.
To achieve these objectives, GenTree will build on scientific and technological advances:

  1. in the design of innovative strategies for the dynamic conservation of European forest genetic resources;
  2. in expanding the range of forest genetic resources used by breeding programmes;
  3. in the development of new forest management scenarios that integrate aspects of conservation genetics and breeding in order to adapt silvicultural techniques to changing environmental conditions and societal needs.

In the experimental area established in the Pollino National Park, 25 silver fir plants were sampled. Tissues were taken from each plant for DNA extraction and data were collected on numerous phenotypic and environmental traits. All the plants were marked and geolocalised, as one of the aims of the project is to establish permanent study areas to encourage the accumulation and exchange of knowledge between parks and European research groups interested in the conservation of forest genetic resources. You can follow the progress of the GenTree project's research activities on its official website and Twitter account.


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