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Bandeau Robinwood

"Robinwood Plus" is an INTERREG IVC mini-programme between the Liguria Region (Italy, project leader), the Limousin Regional Council (France), the Kainuu Joint Authority (Finland), the Harghita County Council (Romania) and the Calabria Region (Italy).

The mini-programme is partly financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and partly by the reference partner region, in the case of the Pollino National Park Authority by the Calabria Region. "Robinwood Plus" is a sub-project funding programme, aimed at the development of skills and the exchange of experience in the field of participatory forest planning and sustainable forest management.

The Sharewood sub-project

The Pollino National Park participates in the "Robinwood Plus" mini-programme with the environmental education sub-project called "SHAREWOOD" concerning sustainable forest management and the historical uses of the Pollino forests. "SHAREWOOD" will involve some schools in the Park and the local communities through seminars, guided tours in the forest, dissemination and diffusion of information brochures. Partners of the sub-project, in addition to the Pollino National Park Authority, are the National Forestry Office (ONF) of the PAYS DE GUERET in the LIMOUSIN region of France, the Municipality of Ciumani of the Hargita County in Romania and the Province of Savona. The purpose of "SHAREWOOD" is to create an environmental awareness based on the knowledge of the historical use of forests in order to promote the responsible use of forest resources according to Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) criteria for the benefit of local populations and the community.

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