Cerchiara di Calabria
Inhabitants: 2.439
Altitude: 1.439 m above s.l.
The very first traces of a residential nucleus date back to the Paleolithic. Cerchiara di Calabria was a fief of the Clermont family. There are numerous places of worship here: Sanctuary of S. Maria delle Armi, whose architecture is particularly interesting, the Convento degli Osservanti, the ruins of St. Andrew’s Monastery, St. Anthony’s Church, St. Peter, S. James and S. Francesco di Paola’s churches. Unique landscapes are Mount Sellaro, woods Cernostasi, Serra di Paola, S.Venere, Fagosa, and the sulfur springs Grotte delle Ninfe. The main even in Cerchiara is Carnival, where the traditional bagpipe is played.
Info: www.comune.cerchiara.cs.it
Photo: www.comune.cerchiara.cs.it