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Inhabitants: 2.277
Altitude: 465 m.above s.l.

The first traces of a residential area date back to the 9th century, and are to be attributed to Basilian monks. Grisolia was a fief of numerous families until the Napoleonic era., From a historical-architectural perspective, very interesting are the Sanctuary of St. Rocco (1000 d.C), St. Anthony’s Church, St. Sophia’s Church, St. Leonard’s Church, with what remains of the Byzantine frescos that had once been there. The majestic Palazzo Ducale (15th century) has become home to the Ethnographic museum. The area is part of the Orsomarso mountains. A honorable mention goes to Acqua di Pedarrone, Varco del Palombaro, Punta Limite, Cozzo Laimi and Cocuzzo.


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