Laino Borgo
Inhabitants: 1.997
Altitude: 271 m above s.l.
Probably founded before the 6th century a.C., the village was an important military and administrative center in the Lombard age. Some of the religious buildings built back in the day are still accessible today: Church of the Holy Spirit, the Sanctuary of S. Maria delle Cappelle (made of 15 tiny chapels, some of which can welcome only one visitor a time), the Church of Purgatory and the Church of S. Maria La Greca. Beautiful landscapes are: Gada, Rossino and Timpone di Castrocucco mountains, Lao’s Gorges. The main events are the “Judaic” tragedy during Holy Friday, and the arboreal rite of the "ntinne".
More info: www.comune.lainoborgo.cs.it
Photo: www.comune.lainoborgo.cs.it