Inhabitants: 1.238
Altitude: 360 m above s.l.
The town is named after the homonymous Norman technique for encastellation (end of the 11th century). It was a fief of some important families such as the Carafa, the Matera and the Lagni. Those who visit this burg may admire the Church of S. Maria del Piano, which was built on a pre-existing temple, and contains many interesting Renaissance frescoes, St. Dominic and St. Peter’s churches (the latter one has Italian-Greek origins), the Chapel of the Madonna del Carmine, plus Palazzo Ducale and Porta della Terra. Do not miss the beautiful landscapes you can admire from Piazza Croce, Piazza Castello and from the Rifugio in Anzirrone.
Info: www.comune.maiera.cs.it