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Inhabitants: 1.381
Altitude: 275 m above s.l.
It was probably founded by some people that took refuge here from Civitas when Benevento county’s Lombards destroyed it in 680. The Angevin Castle is still enchanting, with its large loggias, not to mention the Church of S. Maria della Neve (13th century), S. Francesco di Paola’s Convent, St. Joseph and St. Michael’s chapels, the Chapel of the Madonna del Carmine. Because it’s situated in the middle of Orsomarso mountains, Sangineto offers spectacular views of the surroundings (from Cozzo La Limpa and Timpa di Civita) and many waterways (Sorgenti Carriero and Petrosa, Torrente Sangineto and Lago La Penna).
More info: www.comune.sangineto.cs.it
Photo: www.comune.sangineto.cs.it