Santa Domenica Talao
Inhabitants: 1.282
Altitude: 304 m above s.l.
The town, which started developing at the beginning of the 17th century, saw a considerable rise in its agricultural and commercial interests thanks to which many manors were built. A fine example is Palazzo Campagna, with its bossed portal and the rounded arches loggias. Interesting to see are also St. Joseph’s Church, the Church of the Holy Rosary, St. John’s Chapel and the Fossa dei Morti. There are also many woods (Jarmi, Cerzeto, Prestioli) and springs (Acqua della Cerza, Fontana del Prete, Fontana Boy, Fontana di Sitta etc.).
Info: www.comune.santadomenicatalao.cs.it
Photo: www.comune.santadomenicatalao.cs.it