The Chilli Pepper Museum is located in Palazzo Patrizio in the historic centre of Maierà (CS), and is the brainchild of the Italian Chilli Pepper Academy chaired by Prof. Enzo Monaco and supported by the municipal administration.
The museum, unique in the world, has 10 exhibition rooms:
La Via del Peperoncino (The Chilli Pepper Route): a tale of centuries of world travel through photographs, maps, historical evidence.
La Pianta Profumi e Sapori (The Plant Fragrances and Flavours): a review of the varieties cultivated in the world.
Pubblicità e Fantasia di ogni giorno (The Everyday Advertising and Fantasy) section: here is housed the collection of the most famous sauces from all over the world, donated to the Museum by General Carlo Spagnolo - First Knight of His Majesty the Chilli Pepper, and the Posters of the Advertising Campaigns of the Paolo Carone Italia Group.
La sezione della Satira (The Satire section): with the "Vignette sul Ring" (Vignettes on the Ring) by cartoonist Gianfranco Passpartout.
The "Chiliphernalia" Collection by HaraldZoschke, 2017.
The Ceramics & Pepper section: an exhibition of ceramic masterpieces by various artists and designers where the eye-catching and curious 'Pepita Cup', created in 2014 by artist Franco Saporito, stands out.
The Eros & Kamasutra space: a hot section with the Kamasutra-collection and ten paintings by Francesco Cirillo.
The Ospiti Pic (Pic Guests) and Angolo libri (Books corner): Pic guests in Maierà and books on chilli.
Sala Quadri (Picture Room) and Proiezioni in TV (TV Screenings): with images from the festivals.
The Aziende & Gastronomia (Companies & Gastronomy) section: the exhibition of chilli processed in all possible ways. Not to be missed is the Chocolate & Chilli corner.
Visiting Hours
15 June to 15 September
from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Groups and groups can agree on the day and time of the visit by booking in advance by contacting the Accademia Italiana del Peperoncino (Italian Chilli Academy) on 0985.81130 or the Maierà Municipality on 0985 889102.
How to get to Maierà
From the North: Drive along the A3 motorway (SA-RC), exit at Lagonegro Nord, drive along the SS18 state road, exit Maierà-Grisolia.
From the South: Drive along the A3 Motorway (SA-RC), Falerna exit, drive along the SS18 State Road, Maierà-Grisolia exit.
Piazza Francesco Vaccaro former Mayor snc
87020 Maierà (CS)
Municipality of Maierà 0985 889102
Italian Academy of Chilli 0985 81130