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Museo del Termalismo (foto SimbdeaLab)
Museo del Termalismo (foto SimbdeaLab)

Set up in the old thermal baths facility built in 1928, it was founded by the administration of Latronico and Pollino National Park. The aim was to study and inform about the thermal activity of the area.

Over the years, in addition to having an important therapeutic function, the thermal baths have been an important place for locals to gather more than just the cause for the main changes in the local lifestyle, so much so that the administration founded a monitoring office whose purpose was to collect information about the mutations life in Latronico has undergone throughout the 20th century.
The museum was set up by SimbdeaLab in collaboration with Ferdinando Mirizzi, of University of Basilicata, who acted as a scientific consultant.
The Museum, which is directed by ATI "Museografia Attiva", is divided into eight sections: The return to Latronico; The piazza; Socializing in a spa; Crafts; Traditional foods; Ritual and feasts; Migration stories. There’s also an introductory part and a gallery, whose aim is to portray and endorse thermal activities and the resources present in the area.

Opening hours

May - October
Tuesdays-Sundays 10.00-12.30 and 17.00-19.30

November - April
Tuesdays-Fridays 10.00-12.30 and 15.00-17.30 (on call)
Saturday and Sunday 10.00-12.30 and 15.00-17.30

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