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Timpa San Lorenzo
Image 6

Recently the Iannace et alii (2005; 2007) grouped the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary– metasedimentary successions into three tectonic units: the Lungro–Verbicaro Unit, the Pollino–Ciagola Unit and the Cetraro Unit.

The Pollino–Ciagola Unit is tectonically overlain by ophiolitic units in the northeastern part of the Pollino Massif, whereas toward the NW it is overlain by the Lungro– Verbicaro Unit (Fig. 6). The Cetraro Unit is tectonically overlain by the Lungro–Verbicaro Unit and both are tectonically overlain by ophiolitic and continental crust-derived units (Calabride Complex).

The tectonic contacts between the latter units are sealed, in the western margin, by Serravallian–Messinian sequences (Fig. 6) and by Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments.


Figure 6 - Structural map, geological sections and stratigraphic-tectonic sketch of northern Calabria. Key to the stratigraphic- tectonic sketch. 1a: Middle Triassic phyllites; 1b: carbonate intercalations; 2a: Ladinian–Carnian meta-limestones; 2a: Carbonate build-ups of Monte Caramolo; 3a: phyllites, carbonates and evaporites of Cetraro; 3b: Carnian dolomites; 4: Norian–Rhaetian dolomites, carbonatic conglomerates, limestones and marls; 5: Jurassic cherty limestones and radiolarites; 6: Upper Cretaceous–Aquitanian Colle Trodo formation; 7: Lower Burdigalian siliciclastic deposits (Scisti del Fiume Lao); 8: Norian–Rhaetian platform dolomites; 9: Jurassic platform limestones; 10: Cretaceous platform limestones; 11: Jurassic–Palaeogene carbonatic conglomerates;14: Langhian Bifurto Formation; α: Triassic basic volcanics; β: Jurassic–Cretaceous basic volcanics (limburgites), (from Iannace et al.,2007).

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