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Monte Alpi
Carpinosa (ph. C. Pizzuti)

The Liguride Complex is composed of two ophiolite-bearing units, overlain by thick turbiditic sequences (Fig. 5), considered as a remnant of a Late Cretaceous-Miocene accretionary wedge.

The lowermost unit is made up of un-metamorphosed terranes (the Calabro-Lucano Flysch Unit), Late Jurassic-Late Oligocene in age, showing “broken formation” characters. This unit is ovelain by metamorpic sequences (the Frido Unit) made up of prevailing shales and calcschists including blocks of ophiolites and crystalline blocks.

These terranes show a Late Oligocene HP/LT followed by green schist facies metamorphism. The ophiolite-bearing units are unconformably covered by turbiditic synorogenic sequences (Saraceno fm and Cilento group),
representing perched basin deposits (Fig. 5).


Figure 4 – Geodynamic and regional geological framework of southern Italy (from Mazzoli et al., 2000; Iannace et al., 2007).


Figure 5 – Tectono-stratigraphic representation of the northern Calabria and Southern Apennines (Pollino Massif) mountain belts (from Critelli, 1993).

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